Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I Love Dandelions and My Brother... I Guess...

I read this and completely fell in love with it. I’ve always loved dandelions! Always. ;) Maybe that has something to do with growing up in Alaska? I lived outside in the summers up there and was always surrounded by dandelions.  When they got to the ‘wishes’ stage, I would pick them by the handful, blow, and watch the seeds float away on the wind. Just like life, it’s all about perspective. What do you see, weeds or wishes?
With that introduction, I now have a story. A story about how my weed turned into something I could have never even dreamed to wish for!
Sixteen years ago last Thursday; I was home with my brothers, Isaac, Ben, and Jacob. My mom was in the hospital having ‘the baby’. My parents never wanted to know whether they were going to have a son or a daughter until we popped out. It made it really fun for me, growing up. I never knew if I was going to get a brother or sister. Dad would come home and tell us which it was and usually what the name was, too. It took longer to name some of us, for some reason. Haha! ;)
On this particular night, I was nine. I had three younger, pesky brothers. The one thing that I had wanted more than ever, was a little sister. I had been wishing for one. Praying for one. Planning on one. I couldn’t tell you how long my mom was in labor or how long I actually waited for my dad, but I do remember that it felt like it took...
When my dad got home he then took his sweet time to tell us. It was a… BOY!! I lost it. I burst into tears and ran up to my room and slammed my door. (Even at that young age, I was prone to over-dramatization) . I then put ‘the note’ on the door. It is one thing that haunts me still, to this day, mainly because my mom decided to scrapbook it. ;)
I was so mad! SO MAD! “I em sleeping in the living room! Not coming out till grandma gets hear! Do not take Down! And he will not sleep in my room ever! You can bring me food! Do not take Down!”
Obviously, my spelling was fantastic.

My mom wrote, “ When Mark came home and told the kids we had another boy Tjanna stormed to her room in tears and wrote this note for her door. Later, dad discussed with them how Heavenly Father wanted this special boy to come to our family. By the time Tjanna saw him the next day she was already liking the fact that she was still the only girl in the family. (Besides mom).”
Talk about the best wish that I would have never even thought to wish for! Joseph has been the best brother I could ever ask for. He is patient. He is absolutely hilarious. He is beyond nice. He helps me when I need it. I never have to ask him twice to help me with anything. We share a passion for reading. He is my favorite book discussion buddy. I love him so, so much! I don’t know what I would ever do without him. Ever! I guess it's true, they always save the best for last.
Joseph, I hope that your 16th birthday rocked socks. I can’t believe that you’re getting so old. I love it, though. The older you get, the closer we become! Bring on the years, my brother! Bring them on!

P.S. After reading this, my mom suggested that we print it out and scrapbook it. Amen, mom. Let's do it.

1 comment:

  1. That is a cute story! Life truly is all about perspective and what we want to see and learn and take from it! Love this post!
