Saturday, September 22, 2012

An Explanation, Please?

I’ve decided to go into more detail about the different goals on my list. Five at a time, I think. It’ll help me plan out how I’m going to accomplish all these crazy things.

Have an ugly skirt collection
                I got this idea from a good friend of mine. He was telling me about his ugly tie collection, (which is actually ridiculously impressive) and the tradition they had going back home and on the mission. Every Fast Sunday was ‘Ugly Tie Day.’ I think this idea is quite hilarious and ingenious! My roommate and I were talking about it and we are going to start ‘Ugly Skirt Sunday’ every Fast Sunday. It will start in January when we’re all back at school. Random? Yes. Maybe slightly stupid? Sure! That’s what makes it fun! ;) So, I plan on having an extensive and impressive collection of ugly skirts by my 26th birthday. Thrift stores, look out!

Read Teachings of Gordon B. Hinckley
            President Hinckley is my prophet. There will always be a special place in my heart for that man. I love him and miss him! I remember the day he died was a Sunday. I was at a fireside, actually. It was about halfway through when it seemed as though everyone was texting and whispering. One of my friends leaned over to me and whispered that President Hinckley had died. I could not believe it. I went outside and called my mom. I was sobbing. I was overjoyed that he was reunited with his sweet, sweet wife, Marjory, who he missed so much. I was going to miss him, though. President Hinckley’s talks had always brought peace to me. He is the ultimate example of what a good attitude can do for you. I ended up going back in to finish the fireside. I am so grateful that I did. At the end, whoever was conducting got up and informed us that President Hinckley had, indeed, passed away that evening. He said that the closing song would be changed to ‘We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet’ and would we all please stand. That was one of the most sacred moments of my life. Standing there singing that song with all my friends. I was full of gratitude in my heart for this wonderful gospel and the blessing of modern-day prophets and apostles. I’m going to read his book because I miss him and love him. I also need a reminder of how to change my attitude for the better.

Have a Jurassic Park movie marathon
            I absolutely love these movies! For a while I wanted to be an archeologist. ;) I want to curl up on a Friday night with blankets, pillows, good company, treats & junk food galore, and some excellent company and be reminded of how much it hurts to get eaten by a dinosaur.

Go on a best friends camping trip with my bestie, Angela and my Ella
            I love camping. When you spend your childhood in Alaska always camping, fishing, and playing outside it kinda sticks with you. I’m going with one of my very best friends. Angela. I’m also going to take my baby, Ella with me. She’s my dog. She has saved me in countless ways. It will be fun to take her out on a camping trip to spoil her and have some quality time with her. Where and when we are going are still completely up in the air but I know it will be sometime before I go back to school in January!

Milk a cow
            This is the most random goal on my list. I honestly only put it on the list because two different people suggested it. I was laughing and laughing! Do I know anyone with a cow? Absolutely not! Will that stop me? Heck no! I’ll find a way before August!

This week has been an emotional rollercoaster for me. I will leave you with a smile. When I saw this the first time, I laughed so hard that I started to cry. Granted, I might have found it so funny because of how well it applied to my life at the time.

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