Friday, July 19, 2013

It Is... What It Is.

My list? Yeah.... about that. I'm not looking forward to the update on my progress that I'm going to have to do eventually... haha! As of this very minute there are 43 days left until my birthday! I'm going to make this the best birthday, ever! I have no idea how since I'm going to be up in Rexburg all alone (basically) and doing nothing but working part time. I'm sure I'll think of something. ;)  
This semester has been long. I've had lots and lots of things happen. Spring semesters seem to fall apart quickly and relentlessly. One of my favorite Elder Holland quotes helped me out, though...

"Even if you cannot always see that silver lining on your clouds, God can, for He is the very source of the light you seek. He does love you, and He knows your fears. He hears your prayers. He is your Heavenly Father, and surely He matches with His own the tears His children shed."

This Semester's Silver Linings

1. Finding a part time job within weeks of getting back up to Rexburg
2. Living with three beautiful and amazing roommates, who can always make me laugh
3. Having a wonderful, worthy, priesthood-holding brother close by to give me blessings when I need them
4. Having an awesome apartment manager who loves to talk and is completely laid back
5. The MOST amazing bishop of all time, who I love and I miss every Sunday… and I quite possibly get choked up some Sundays in Sacrament meeting, when I look up and he’s not there… just maybe… (Pathetic? Sure! I’m really good at that.)
6. Wonderful friends who remind me just how amazing I can be  and how much they love and miss me. Thank you Jessie, Chelsea, Kendal, and Tiffany. <3
7. A very best friend who is so wise and loving and willing to talk to me for 3+ hours on the phone about subjects that don’t really matter…. Well, maybe they do. J
8. Mostly easy classes with wonderful, understanding teachers.
9. Netflix (possibly detrimental to my grades…)
10. The country songs that got me through the semester:

·         “More Than Miles”
·         “You Don’t Know Her Like I Do”
·         “Crazy Girl”
·         “Dirt Road Anthem”
·         “Fly Over States”
·         “Night Train”
·         “Crash My Party”
·         “Runnin’ Outta Moonlight”
·         “Easy”

11. A cute boy with cute dogs who will text me, always, about everything, no matter the hour.
12. Pictures of my babies from my awesome brother. Shout out to Joseph!
13. Being able to live within walking distance of the temple. Simple perfection.
I am blessed, watched over, and loved. Sometimes it's hard to remember that fact but it's such a comfort when I do. <3

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