I have always wondered if I would be happy if my life had
turned out how I wanted it to when I was sixteen, eighteen, or even twenty-one years old. These past few
weeks have shown me… heck to the no! My life can be very challenging some days.
I deal with a lot of things. I wouldn’t trade any of my experiences for
anything, though. Ever. I have learned some priceless lessons. So many different
things have happened to me over the past few years. 2012 seemed to top them
all. I feel like I learned more this past year than all the others put
together. It’s like everything just clicked this year and it all finally makes
sense. I know who I am and where I want to go. Just wow. These are five of my most invaluable
1. Move away
Staying in the same place forever really sucks.
It gets old. You get used to it. In my opinion, you get too comfortable. Even
though I moved up to the-middle-of-nowhere, Idaho, it was still somewhere that
wasn’t Mesa. I wish that I had done that sooner. Ah well! I had things to deal
with and demons to conquer. I miss that place more than is probably healthy for
any normal human being. April will get here soon enough! That being said…
2. Wherever You Are—Be All There
It does no good to move away and long for
the place that you left. Be happy wherever you are. One of my most favorite
quotes I’ve read recently says, “Wherever you go, no matter the weather, always
bring your own sunshine.” I love that! It
took me a lot longer than I would care to admit, to learn this lesson. I have
finally figured it out, though! I’m home in good old Arizona and loving it! I
love being close to my family and especially my dog. J I love the sunshine and the
friends that I have down here. I’m going back up to school in April. I can’t
wait but at the same time… I can. I’m enjoying living in the present.
3. Let People Care
You will be surprised by how many people
out there are actually good people… you just have to give them the chance. Let
them care about you. Let them help you through your hard times. Trust them.
Love them. Most importantly, though… let them love you. Always keep in mind that
they’re going through their own trials and are only human. Don’t let fear of
loss, hurt, or heartbreak scare you. Go out and meet new people. You will be pleasantly
surprised by who stays by your side and never leaves. Looking back on 2012 and all the people I met
and who I’m still close to… I’m blown away. I could have never guessed
everything would end up this way and friendships/relationships would work out
like they did. I am the luckiest girl in the world! I have the greatest friends
and examples in my life. To all of you, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
You know who you are.
4. Learn From the “Lessons”
Another quote that I like a lot right now
is, “People come into your life for one of two reasons. They are either a
blessing or a lesson.” Maybe it’s just one of my faults but I ignore the bad in
everyone. I always focus on the good qualities in people. That might sound like
a good thing but dang, you can get burned! It finally all clicked this year for
me. People are going to hurt you, break your heart, and leave you.
Intentionally or unintentionally. This is just the reality of life. That is OK!
Let those people be lessons for you! Let them teach you who you don’t want to
be and show you things that you would like to change about yourself. You must
remember, however, to…
5. Forgive
It is the hardest thing in the world to do,
at least from my experience. I finally had this lesson hit home this year.
There were many different reasons why, I suppose. I had a lot of very different
‘interactions’ with people this year. I am here to tell you that if you can
learn to do one thing, you will be more at peace than I could even begin to
describe to you… accept an apology that was never given and move on. Don’t wait
around for people to realize how much they hurt you or how heartless and
thoughtless they were. Move on. I promise you that someday they will realize
what they did or how bad it hurt. Just don’t wait around for that to happen. I
highly recommend “The Peacegiver” by James L. Ferrell. Read it. It will change
your life. Guaranteed.
With all that being said, I have one more confession… I have
always thought I’m a pretty smart girl when it comes to judging character.
Granted, I am but I am only human. A surprising lesson I learned is to trust the
opinion of those you trust and trust your first impression. I’ve always been a
sucker for second chances (granted, they have their place) but not always. If
someone has repeatedly hurt, ticked off, or infuriated those you care about, it
would be wise to not let that person get too close. Ahhhhh! What an obnoxious,
yet satisfying lesson to learn. After 25 years, I finally understand… trust
your gut. You have more wisdom and sense than you think.
I am SO ready for 2013. I have so many plans and dreams. It’s so funny because 2013 hasn’t even started and I’ve already
changed my whole year around! This is my year! This is my “unexpected journey.”
(Haha! I’m such a nerd!)
Now, a parting smile...
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Amen!! (And yes, I'm on a complete Hobbit craze right now. LOL!) |
Who knew dwarves could be so attractive! <3