- I have the greatest and best looking apartment of girls in my ward. Ha.
- Listening to your roommate play her guitar and sing is pure heaven (especially when it's just her, in the living room, messing around and practicing by herself. She's talented, guys)
- I do not enjoy the cold
- I wish I had figured out long ago that teaching really is my calling and pathway in life...
- Once you are comfortable with yourself, life goes a lot more smoothly
- Losing your whole box of kitchen stuff is the worst
- You don't realize how nice it is to come home to 4 crazy, happy dogs who are always excited to see you- no matter what- until you don't. (Even if an unnamed dog wakes you up in the middle of the night because another unnamed dog won't let her on the couch... *cough*cough* Ella *cough*
- It's nice to have family with you, no matter where you live
- Sometimes, lists can become overwhelming
- Arizona is the best palce to live